In 2017, the volume of electricity supplied was higher by an average of 2% compared to the previous year.
Distribution of electricity (TWh)
The increase in volume occurred mainly in the high-margin C group and the B group, while in group A (low-margin) we lost a significant customer (who switched to its own power source and PSE network). As a result, the increase in the average distribution rate was around 5% y / y.
Distribution of electricity according to tariff groups (TWh)
Increase of reliability indicators resulting from unfavorable weather conditions with high destruction power.
The Energa Group at the end of 2017 reached the level of SAIDI (planned and unplanned with catastrophic) index, higher than in the previous year by 55%. The value of the SAIFI index has increased by 7% since the previous year. Such a significant deterioration of the indices was the result of mass failures, in particular catastrophic storms that took place in August 2017 and the orcs of Ksawery and Grzegorz.
Level of SAIDI index (number of minutes per recipient)
Level of SAIFI index (interference with the recipient)
the number of Energa-Operator
customers at the end of 2017
In 2017, the number of Energa-Operator customers increased by 1% compared to 2016
Download: Number of clients of ENERGA-OPERATOR SA in the years 2014-2017 (by tariff group)
Gross electricity production (GWh)
Download: Gross electricity production in the Energa Group in 2014-2017
The generation assets in the ENERGA Group in 2017 produced about 335 GWh (ie by 8%) more electricity than in the corresponding period of the previous year. The greatest impact on the level of production was:
increase in energy production in owned water sources by 221 GWh as a result of better hydrological conditions;
increase in production at wind sources by 101 GWh due to better weather conditions (greater windiness) and high availability of generation sources.
The production level at the Ostrołęka power plant was similar to last year's level (less by 4 GWh), caused, among others, by stable work in extortion for the benefit of the Transmission System Operator in Poland.
In 2017, there was a slight increase in heat production by about 31 TJ (ie by 1%), which was influenced, among others, by air temperature affecting the heat demand of the Group's local customers.
Download: Heat production in 2014-2017
Download: Volume and cost of consumption of key fuels in 2014-2017
The sale of electricity to end users in 2017 was by 5 percent. higher and amounted to 20.6 GWh.
The sale of electricity (GWh)
Download: Electricity sales by the Sales Segment in 2014-2017
In 2017, the total volume of electricity sold by the Business Line Sales dropped by 3% (i.e. by 0.8 TWh) in comparison to 2016. This is the effect of a 36% decrease in sales volume on the wholesale market (i.e. by 1.8 TWh), while the volume of retail sales increased by 5% (i.e. by 1.0 TWh) in relation to the previous year.