Goals of the Segment leaders
Goals of management boards of companies
Objectives of Energa SA departments
Goals of departmental directors
Strategic objectives were set for Business Line Leading Entities and directors of Energa SA’s depart-ments in the arrangement process in accordance with the ‘top to bottom’ principle which recognizes the Group’s strategic objectives as the basis for setting all objectives for managers covered by the system. Objectives for the leaders of the leading companies and department heads at Energa SA were prepared on the basis of the Energa SA Group’s Strategy, long-term financial plans and budgets for the given financial year of Energa SA. These objectives form the basis for payment of bonuses to the Energa SA Group’s managers.
In 2017, in the Energa SA Group, the actions aimed at the standardization of personnel processes at Group level were continued.
In 2017, the Energa SA Group had an extensive employee benefits system in place, of which the most important elements include:
‘Employee tariff’ for electricity, available to employees with one year of professional experience in the utilities sector,
The company social benefits fund authorizing charges in the amount three times higher than the basic charge defined in the Act on Company Social Benefit Fund (ZFŚS),
Holidays gift certificates issued to employees for the Easter Holiday, the Power Industry Employee's Day and Christmas,
The Employee Pension Plans operating in Group companies and funded by the employer in an amount equal to 7% of the remuneration of employees,
Additional Medicare Program. All employees are eligible for additional medical benefits under the Guaranteed Package funded by the employer.
Training offered by all Energa SA Group employers; various forms of employee development are aimed at preparing staff to perform tasks in the workplace, improve performance and in-crease their knowledge, motivation and commitment to work,
Agreement to secure employee, social and union rights of 18 September 2017.
In the Energa SA Group companies subject to the Multi-Company Collective Bargaining Agreement of 13 May 1993, despite the fact that the Group Companies resolved not to apply this Agreement as of 31 December 2014, additional remuneration elements apply as vested rights, including:
Annual bonus constituting 8.5% of the annual payroll fund from last year, paid out pro rata to the length of employment,
Addition to base salary depending on seniority,
Cash equivalent of coal allowance,
‘Employee tariff’ for electricity, available to employees with one year of professional experi-ence in the utilities sector,
Benefit for work in hazardous conditions,
Jubilee awards.
On 10 October 2017, in Energa Wytwarzanie SA, an Agreement was executed with the Trade Unions that are party to the Company Collective Bargaining Agreement (ZUZP), aiming to introduce amend-ments to the ZUZP. With an additional report, the ZUZP was amended as of 1 October 2017, by intro-ducing a new tariff table for positions and a new table of base salaries for application. The regulations aimed to adjust the tariff table for job positions prevailing at the company to the actual state of affairs at the Employer and to counteract discrimination with regard to remuneration at comparable job posi-tions, taking into consideration the right to the same remuneration for the same work or the same kind of work as provided for in Article 183c of the Labor Code.
The Group Companies did not carry out any group layoffs in 2017.
As at the end of 2017, there were thirty one trade union organizations in Energa SA Group companies. More than 5,100 Group employees were members of the trade unions as at 31 December 2017. In 2017, trade unions sent a number of statements to individual employers containing, among others, demands concerning:
raising wages and salaries in Group companies,
payment of awards or bonuses,
securing employee, social and union rights of Energa SA Group employees.
In 2017, collective disputes were conducted in the Energa Group. Two concluded with the conclusion of an agreement, the third passes into the mediation phase.