Generation Business Line operates on the basis of four Power Divisions: the Ostrołęka Power Plant, Hydro, Wind and Other (including cogeneration – CHP). At the end of 2017, the total in-stalled generation capacity in the Group’s power plants was approximately 1.3 GW. The Leading Entity in this Business Line is Energa Wytwarzanie SA.
Electricity was produced in power plants based on sources such as: hard coal, water, wind, biomass and photovoltaic.
Total installed generating capacity
Including - in renewable energy sources
Gross electricity generated in 2017
Including - from renewable energy sources
The ENERGA Group owes a leading position in terms of the share of electricity from renewable sources in energy generated in total mainly in energy production in hydroelectric plants and wind farms. Green energy is generated in 45 water power plants, 5 wind farms, as well as in biomass burning installations (in ENERGA Kogeneracja) and in solar installations.
At the end of 2017, the Group had 0.5 GW installed in renewable energy sources, of which the Group produced 1.5 TWh of gross electricity in 2017.