Annual Report 2017

Energa vs. the industry

The Energa SA Group is one of the four largest vertically integrated energy groups operating in Poland.

The companies are separated geographically, in terms of the areas on which they conduct their electricity distribution activity. Energa’s distribution area covers northern and central Poland.

Distribution area of the main power-generating companies

Obszar dystrybucji najważniejszych koncernów energetycznych

In distribution, Energa SA Group ranks third behind the PGE and Tauron Groups in terms of the regulatory asset base, the volume of electricity supplied, as well as grid length and the number of customers. Thanks to intensive modernization efforts, the quality ratios of Energa’s networks are among the best in Poland. Among the largest energy companies, only Tauron achieves better SAIDI and SAIFI, which is a consequence of greater customer density in the south-western part of Poland.

Compared with other companies, Energa has a small share in conventional energy generation. The Group has one system heat-generating unit with the maximum capacity of 681 MW (Ostrołęka B Pow-er Plant) This is significantly less than in the case of the remaining companies, among which PGE has the highest maximum capacity. The situation is different in the renewable energy area. In terms of production from renewable energy sources, Energa is at a level similar to the other energy groups.

Comparison of SAIDI index based on data from Q1-Q3 2017

SAIDI index (number of minutes per recipient)

SAIFI (interruptions / client)

Comparison of Distribution based on data from Q1-Q3 2017

Distribution of electricity (TWh)

Comparison of generation of electricity from RES based on data from Q1-Q3 2017

Generation of electricity from RES (GWh)

See also